We are a community of scholars committed to becoming recognized as the world's leader in developing the managerial- strategic- tactical- operational- and leadership resources necessary for the future of the global aviation- aerospace- and transportation-related industries. We are custodians of the best traditions of our predecessors in academia- pushing the frontiers of knowledge and understanding as a valuable human endeavor to further the dream and promise of freedom that these industries represent.
In pursuing this purpose we affirm our commitment to the following core values.
* We shall pursue truth and excellence relentlessly. We shall engage in world-class scholarship and research.
* We shall be guided by mutual respect for our student- industry- and academic colleagues.
* We shall make explicit that we value diversity and the potential of all individuals.
* We shall accept nothing less than superior teaching and learning and hold ourselves accountable for continuous improvement in content and processes.
* We shall emphasize the interconnectedness of knowledge and behavior- the ethical responsibilities that accompany leadership- and the obligation of lifelong learning that are the hallmarks of a management professional.
Special Learning Opportunities
Religious Affiliation
ROTC (Army, Navy, Air Force) Study abroad
Not applicable
Student Services
Undergraduates registered as students with disabilities
Remedial service Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students
Credit Accepted
Dual credit Credit for life experiences Advanced placement credits